Do You Find It Difficult To Write About Sex?

By: Carlos Mckeithan

sex pic
Photo by Jamie Street on Unsplash

I have a question. Do you put off writing that steamy sex scene because it makes you uncomfortable?

Are you changing your plot or direction to put yourself at ease, even at the expense of you story. What makes you think or act in this manner? Can you write a romance or fiction novel without a love scene in it?

These are some of the questions that we are going to tackle today in our post.

I've read a few books that lead you to the promise land so to speak, then leave you hanging on the edge of your seat waiting for the big moment.  Spoiler alert: It's not coming.

I would rather keep reading and not find one, than to just do what some writers do, that's put in a sex scene or two just because it's the norm.  The category of romance has preordained that for it to be a good romance novel, it must contain sex.

I'm here to argue that it really doesn't.

Left To The Imagination 

A well thought out romance novel can sell and sell very well without the S word.  All a writer must do is just have a great story line.  There can be climax, confusion, awesome plot, and conclusion without Anna ripping her clothes off for Fabio.

Photo by Emiliano Vittoriosi on Unsplash

Most male authors------- whether they say it or not------- have major insecurity issues when writing a sex scene.  

Most men authors------- whether they say it or not------- have major insecurity issues when writing a sex scene.  Especially from a female point of view.  They dread the moment they actually have to spell it out on paper.

It's only natural for a write to be embarrassed or have reservations when it comes to something so delicate.

This is where the power of suggestion can not only save the writer from the awkward
moment, but also give the audience a more compelling climactic plot to sink there teeth into.

Just a thought!
