Too Young, Too Strong

If you live on this planet, then you have overheard someone talking about the epidemic at our nation's borders.  The horrible and tragic scene has been played out on local news channels daily. 

I'm talking about the immigrant children, that have been left behind to face the consequences of life alone. 

I can't imagine being nine or ten and having jail-like conditions to wake up to.  I know many Americans say they are from another country and have a country of their own, but when you get down to the core of it, this is life.  Those are children who just like children in the US depend on others to take care of them until they reach adulthood. 

I understand that the infrastructure wasn't equipped for the number of refugees, but the conditions these children face are inhumane to put it nicely. 

Most Americans are still blind to the situation on the borders.  I feel if we could just hear from them, if someone could give them a voice, it would raise awareness with government officials, state officials, (the media who cover the story lightly), and the general public. 

It only takes a few to change many.  If only a few of us take a stand.  If only a few have the heart, the compassion, the common decency it takes to say something, things could change.  Don't say it once, but a million times if necessary !!

Change won't come without.  Because if the situation doesn't get rectified, these innocent children, will grow into jaded adults who hate a country that tore them apart. 
